Oral History Transcripts, 1962–1998


Oral History Transcripts, 1962–1998


This series of oral history transcripts has been built upon two major components: The Dwight D. Eisenhower Library's own interviews and transcripts acquired through a cooperative arrangement with Columbia University Oral History Research Office. A third and smaller component consists of a number of oral history interviews acquired from various institutions and individuals, such as the Regional Oral History Office at the Bancroft Library. The primary interviewees represented in this series are Dwight D. Eisenhower, members of his family, and persons associated with him during his careers in politics and the military. In addition, there are a few interviews with individuals that knew Eisenhower while growing up in Abilene, Kansas and during his retirement years. The series also includes interviews with individuals who may not have had a direct association with Eisenhower but participated in major events occurring during the Eisenhower administration. The interviews provide information related to World War II, politics and government, domestic affairs, international relations, and national security.

57 linear feet, 9 linear inches

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 11672895

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

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